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Cheekface: Live at Comet Ping Pong in Washington D.C.

Review and Live Photos by Giliann Karon

Cheekface hasn’t taken any of their success for granted. In fact, they’ve used it to nurture rich fan relationships that turn concerts into dance parties. They stopped by Comet Ping Pong in Washington, D.C. as part of an ambitious North American tour that included a run at SXSW.

They perform with such confidence and enthusiasm, it’s easy to forget how truly clever they are. Life is long like a CVS receipt, they lament on crowd-favorite “Wedding Guests.” Lead talk-singer Greg Katz conjured the audience with call-and-response during “Next to Me (Yo Guy Version)” and split the sold-out show into two sections singing “Sweet Jane” and “Jack and Diane,” over which he resumed “Don’t Get Hit By A Car.” Their cynical refrains become self-actualizing mantras.

The LA-based band isn’t trying to solve any existential problems but instead offers a space to commiserate. Katz’s sprechgesang provides a fitting tone and cadence for acutely self-aware lyrics that come to terms with the chaos, rot, and greed surrounding us.

As pessimistic as their lyrics are, Cheekface isn’t wallowing. They flip this hellhole on its head by encouraging audience participation at shows, which they further nurture on social media and in the band’s discord server, repeatedly taking time in between their whopping 19-song set to thank the lively audience for welcoming them into locally acclaimed DIY spaces.

Listen to Cheekface’s new single “Popular 2” and catch them in a city near you later this year.
Cheekface at Comet Ping Pong (Washington, D.C.) - March 25, 2023

Photos by Giliann Karon


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