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Intro by Erin Christie, Body by Becca Harvey

Courtesy of Becca Harvey

21-year-old Becca Harvey says she didn’t necessarily know how to become a professional musician, despite her continued interesting in doing so — that was until she got a helping hand from her boyfriend and just started doing it (with a little inspiration from the likes of Hannah Montana, of course).

Last year, the Atlanta-based singer-songwriter adopted the moniker girlpuppy, and since then, she's welcomed two of her first singles, “For You” and “Cheerleader” (on which she worked with her friend and frequent Phoebe Bridgers-collaborator, Marshall Vore). Each release acquired a decent amount of acclaim with regard to Becca’s soft-spoken, sugary-sweet vocals and gripping musicality, and pointed her in the direction of other independent artists who have risen to fame from their bedrooms. Thus, the past few months alone have positioned Becca at the very start of what could become an illustrious career.

Coming into 2021, girlpuppy’s debut EP is currently on the way and Becca has just filmed her very first music video (view an image that was shot behind-the-scenes above). With regard to the future, she wrote the following artist easy in which she speaks on how the the past year’s events have led her to where she is now, and where she hopes 2021 might bring her and the rest of the music industry. Read below!


Hi! I’m Becca aka girlpuppy. I’ve been writing songs since I was 9 and wanted to be the next Taylor Swift. I never learned any instruments so making music always felt super impossible for me, until I met my boyfriend in 2018. He knows how to play just about every instrument I can think of so in the winter of 2019, when I was humming a melody to myself in my room, I knew he was the perfect person to go to to finally make music for real.

I made and released my first song “For You” (produced by my bf, John Michael Young) in the spring of 2020. I picked what would seem like the worst time to start releasing music! I was very pleasantly surprised with the praise it received and instantly started making more music, this time produced by my great friend, Marshall Vore. Since releasing music, I’ve started to have phone calls with labels and other things such as agents and managers, and one of the first questions they always ask you is, “How are you performing live?” I never get to answer this question because I’ve never played live. I always feel left out of this MAJOR aspect of being a musician.

2020 was a weird year for me as a singer because I never really felt like I was doing anything; I always tell people I don’t feel like a real musician since I’m not constantly playing my songs or singing them to any sort of crowds. Luckily, I got to play an online show towards the end of 2020 when I threw my own festival on IG live called Girlpuppy Fest; I got a lot of my talented friends to participate and it was definitely the highlight of my year. I remember being SO fucking nervous to play even though I was literally just in front of a camera in my boyfriend’s house…so, you can imagine the anxiety I have associated with playing live to an actual crowd of people. I’m hoping that in 2021, I can play more shows online to warm up to playing live in person and that we can all safely go to venues at least by the end of the year.

2020 put a lot into perspective and made me appreciate music so much more because it provided me such an outlet that I would’ve felt even more anxious without. I hope to continue to write and make music in 2021, and hopefully, reach more people with it. We all could use a better year after the hell that was 2020, so please wear a fucking mask and stop throwing parties!!!!!!!!! All love <3


Keep up to date with girlpuppy via her socials, listed below! And make sure to keep an eye open for the release of her debut music video sometime in the future!


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